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Epi #103. Techniques to Parent with Intention, Not Impulse

cyclebreakers epi103 gentle parenting marcela collier parenting-with-understanding podcast shownotes Mar 12, 2024
HIC Parenting Education
Epi #103. Techniques to Parent with Intention, Not Impulse

Techniques to Parent with Intention, Not Impulse


Have you ever felt challenged in your parenting journey, especially when trying to guide your children without resorting to the methods you were raised with? 

I'm here to share a transformative story. My mother shifted from traditional parenting methods to a more respectful approach when I was 16, profoundly changing our relationship. 

Now, at 37, I treasure our daily conversations and deeply value her presence in my life. In this episode, we'll go into how you can move from impulsive reactions to intentional parenting.

Section 1: Embrace Active Listening

When I was 16, I confronted my mom, asking why she had me if she didn't plan to treat me with respect. 

I was at first expecting a defensive response like, "What do you mean? Algo le ha faltado? You have a roof under your head and clothes; what do you mean I don't treat you well?"

Instead, she chose to listen, genuinely asking me to elaborate on my feelings. This pivotal moment taught me the power of active listening. 

To foster a safe and open relationship with your children, it's crucial to listen with the intent to understand, not just to respond. 

This approach lays the foundation for intentional parenting, where you respond thoughtfully rather than react impulsively.

Section 2: Establishing New Habits

Transitioning from traditional to respectful parenting isn't easy, especially when facing external pressures. 

My mom had to stand firm against criticism while changing her parenting tactics, demonstrating that it's possible to evolve and parent with purpose. 

At HIC Parenting, we're dedicated to helping parents like you understand the underlying needs behind your reactions and your children's behaviors. 

While books, podcasts, and social media offer great insights into parenting, personalized coaching truly helps you identify and change your unique patterns, ensuring a healthier future for your children. 

Take Susan's story, for instance. She came from a traditional Asian background, and with our coaching, she said she healed her inner child, transforming her parenting approach. 

Susan's journey is just one success story we've seen at HIC Parenting. 

If you're eager to break your own cycle, find peace, and nurture emotionally healthy kids, we invite you to book a Free Parenting Assessment call with us. 

During this call, you'll gain clarity on your parenting challenges and receive a tailored roadmap to become the calm, connected parent you aspire to be. 

Click here to schedule your call


Section 3: Pause Before Responding

I've witnessed my mom take a moment to compose herself before addressing challenging situations, ensuring her responses were measured and considerate. 

Adopting this technique can significantly reduce impulsive reactions in your parenting. 

While it's natural to slip up occasionally, the goal is to make reactive parenting the exception, not the rule. 


Parenting with understanding is a journey, not a destination. 

You can foster a more peaceful and connected relationship with your children by practicing active listening, creating new habits, and pausing before responding. 

For more insights and personal stories, tune into this week's episode of The Parenting With Understanding podcast.

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