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Epi #120. 4 Things to Help You Be a Calm Parent in Tough Situations

cyclebreakers epi120 gentle parenting marcela collier parenting-with-understanding podcast shownotes spotlight Jul 09, 2024
HIC Parenting Education
Epi #120. 4 Things to Help You Be a Calm Parent in Tough Situations

4 Things to Help You Be a Calm Parent in Tough Situations


Four essential strategies for maintaining composure during the most challenging parenting scenarios exist. 

Whether you're navigating a difficult season, dealing with bedtime resistance, or managing morning routines.

These tips are particularly beneficial for neurodivergent parents.


1. Understanding the Complexity of Parenting

Parenting is inherently challenging, and there are frequent situations where maintaining calm can feel nearly impossible. 

From the chaos of daily routines to the unpredictability of child behavior, these instances test our patience and resolve to foster a nurturing environment.


Common Mistakes in Parenting Reactions:

Transitioning from traditional methods like yelling or spanking to a more respectful approach involves significant adjustment. 

It's common for parents to internalize frustration, leading to self-criticism or minimization of their emotions, which often compounds stress rather than alleviates it.

Many parents dismiss their legitimate feelings in an attempt to remain composed. 

Phrases like "Don’t be mad; they’re just kids" may seem helpful, but they often lead to further emotional suppression, increasing the likelihood of later outbursts. 

Acknowledging and understanding one's emotions is crucial for genuine calmness.


2. Integrating Emotional Awareness in Parenting

A transformative approach involves recognizing and integrating one's feelings into parenting. 

For example, understanding the legitimacy of feeling overwhelmed can lead to more authentic and composed reactions to children's challenging behaviors.


The Influence of Childhood Experiences:

Our upbringing frequently shapes our responses. 

Suppose only positive emotions were permitted during your childhood. In that case, this might inhibit your ability to accept and express a full range of emotions now, both in yourself and in recognizing them in your children.

Consider a child who prefers quiet, indoor activities, differing from her family’s outdoor enthusiasms. 

If her preferences are labeled boring, she might internalize a sense of inadequacy about her interests. 

This highlights the importance of validating individual preferences and emotions within the family dynamics.


3. Strategies for Maintaining Calm

  1. Validate Your Emotions: Acknowledge and accept your emotions as they arise. This self-validation is the first step towards managing reactions effectively.
  2. Stay Present: During stressful moments, focus on the present. This mindfulness can prevent reactive behavior driven by past experiences or fears about the future.
  3. Employ Calming Techniques: Identify personal calming practices that help recenter your emotions. This might involve sensory tools like deep breathing, stretching, or listening to calming music.
  4. Conscious Communication: Decide proactively how to respond to situations. This choice is critical in shifting from reactive to reflective interactions with your children.



The goal of becoming a calm parent is not to avoid stress but to handle stress effectively when it arises. 

These strategies, grounded in self-awareness and proactive communication, transform challenging interactions into opportunities for growth and connection.

Imagine breaking free from angry reactions, bringing peace to your parenting, and raising emotionally healthy children.

Once you master two essential skills taught in our free online class, you can break free of frustration and raise emotionally healthy children with empathy and accountability.

CLICK HERE to access it now. 

For more insight on how to stay calm in stressful parenting moments, listen to this week’s episode of The Parenting With Understanding™️ Podcast. 

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