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Epi #123. How I’m Preparing My Kids to Back to School. 4 Essential Things I Am Doing

cyclebreakers epi123 gentle parenting marcela collier parenting-with-understanding podcast shownotes spotlight Jul 30, 2024
HIC Parenting Education
Epi #123. How I’m Preparing My Kids to Back to School. 4 Essential Things I Am Doing

How I’m Preparing My Kids to Back to School. 4 Essential Things I Am Doing

As we approach the back-to-school season, many parents face the challenge of transitioning their children from a relaxed summer schedule to the structured demands of school. 

Today, I’m thrilled to share four strategic approaches I’ve been implementing with my twins to ensure a smooth transition as they enter third grade. 

These techniques are designed to manage practical routines and address the emotional adjustments that a new school year brings.


1. Gradual Adjustment of Sleep Schedules

One of the first challenges we tackle is the sleep schedule. 

Over the summer, it’s easy for bedtime routines to relax. 

In our case, bedtime had shifted to as late as 9 PM. Recognizing this shift, I’ve started to adjust their wake-up times gradually. 

This morning, for instance, I began their day at 6:30 AM, slightly later than the usual 6 AM school wake-up call, to ease them into the earlier routine. 

I initiated their morning by opening blinds and starting my activities rather loudly, subtly signaling that the day had begun. 

This gradual adjustment makes the transition to a 6 AM wake-up less of a shock when school starts.


2. Incorporating Educational Activities

Throughout the summer, we maintained a semblance of educational structure by integrating learning activities into our daily routine. 

This practice is crucial not only for academic retention but also for easing back into the school mindset. 

For instance, the twins engaged with STEM subscription boxes, which provided hands-on learning experiences in physics and chemistry. 

This kept their minds active and helped them stay accustomed to a learning environment, making the academic demands of school less daunting.


3. Creating a Back-to-School Checklist 

To organize the transition, I’ve introduced a back-to-school checklist. 

This checklist covers everything from school supply shopping to scheduling haircuts and medical checkups. 

For example, the twins had a dentist appointment today, one of the many pre-school activities we've planned. 

This checklist helps them stay organized and mentally prepares the children for the return to school by making them part of the preparation process.


4. Setting New Goals and Routines

Finally, setting new goals for the upcoming school year is vital. 

Each school year presents new challenges and learning opportunities. 

This year, I am focusing mainly on the post-school transition, which has been challenging in the past. 

Recognizing that one of my twins has heightened sensory needs after a stimulating school day, I preemptively plan strategies to help him decompress and transition smoothly into home life each afternoon.



As we approach the new school year, we must prepare the essentials like supplies and haircuts as well as our children emotionally and mentally for the changes ahead. 

The strategies discussed today are designed to ease the transition, reduce anxiety, and set a positive tone for the upcoming school year.

Would you like to break free from reactivity and become a secure parent this year? You can! You are a few tools away from feeling peace in your parenting. 

CLICK HERE to learn how to break free from reactivity, bring peace to your parenting, and raise emotionally healthy children with the Parenting With Understanding™️ System of Needs, which has transformed the lives of 14,151 parents within two weeks of applying it. This is a Free Class.

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