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Epi #128. ADHD Parenting: Secrets to Maintaining Your Cool

cyclebreakers epi128 gentle parenting marcela collier parenting-with-understanding podcast shownotes spotlight Sep 03, 2024
HIC Parenting Education
Epi #128. ADHD Parenting: Secrets to Maintaining Your Cool

ADHD Parenting: Secrets to Maintaining Your Cool

Have you ever felt like parenting is just too much?

Imagine this scenario: Your child is having a meltdown. 

The noise, the chaos—it's just too much. 

You have ADHD, and so does your child. Everything feels amplified, and suddenly, you're both overwhelmed. 

It's not just about managing your child's emotions; it's about managing your own. 

That’s exactly what Nicole, a mom from our community, faces every day.

Hello, I'm Marcela Collier, your host for the "Parenting with Understanding" podcast. 

Today, I’m sharing a real-life coaching session with Nicole, a mom who, like many of you, struggles with staying regulated when her child is not.


Section 1. Nicole's Challenge: Staying Calm Amidst Chaos

Nicole is a dedicated mother, constantly navigating the high seas of parenting with ADHD. 

She described how minor incidents could escalate quickly, leaving her feeling like she was about to "explode." 

Despite her best efforts, these moments often ended with her feeling guilty and apologizing to her young son.


Section 2. The Realization: Understanding the Root of Reactivity

During our session, Nicole and I explored the triggers of her reactivity. 

She realized that her outbursts were often not about the immediate situation but were influenced by external stresses—maybe an argument with a partner or frustration with differing parenting styles in her community.


Section 3. The Goal: Not Perfection, but Progress

We discussed a crucial misconception in parenting communities: the belief that good parenting is synonymous with constant regulation. 

The truth is, we’re all human. We fluctuate between calm and not feeling calm. 

The aim isn't to stay regulated all the time but to handle our dysregulation safely.


Section 4. Strategies for Staying Safe, Not Just Calm

For Nicole, understanding her sensory triggers was a game-changer. 

She learned that her discomfort during noisy or chaotic situations was a sensory response, not a parenting failure. 

We worked on recognizing these moments and implementing strategies to manage her sensory needs proactively, such as using noise-canceling headphones during particularly stressful times.


Section 5. Nicole's Journey: Apologies and Acceptance

One of Nicole’s strengths is her ability to apologize and model accountability to her son. 

This open communication fosters a healthy relationship, allowing for growth and understanding on both sides. It’s not about never making mistakes but about learning and moving forward together.


Section 6. Empowering Parents with ADHD

I reassured Nicole, and I want to reassure all of you: having ADHD does not make you less capable of being a wonderful parent. 

It simply means you have unique challenges to navigate. With the right tools and support, you can manage your needs and be the parent you want to be.

As we wrapped up our session, I reminded Nicole, and now I remind you: You are enough. 

Parenting is a journey of highs and lows, but with understanding and the right support, you can navigate it successfully. 

Thank you for tuning in, and remember, understanding yourself and your child's needs is the first step to transforming your parenting.

To listen to this coaching session with Nicole, CLICK HERE to listen our latest episode of The Parenting With Understanding Podcast. 

CLICK HERE to access our free Class to learn the Parenting With Understanding™ď¸Ź System to Break Free from reactivity, bring peace to your parenting and raise emotionally healthy children. 

âś…You will learn our signature Parenting With Understanding system to overcome angry reactions and have calm responses during your children’s chaos.

âś…Gain an understanding of what you need to communicate assertively with your children so they listen to you even when you give them a “no.”

âś…Know what is needed to raise emotionally healthy children who can face the real world with confidence and self-accountability.

Enjoy the show?