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Epi #131. Turning Resistance into Cooperation in Highly Sensitive Children

cyclebreakers epi131 gentle parenting marcela collier parenting-with-understanding podcast shownotes spotlight Sep 24, 2024
HIC Parenting Education
Epi #131. Turning Resistance into Cooperation in Highly Sensitive Children

Do you ever feel like just getting through the daily routines with your highly sensitive child is a battle? 

Imagine, each morning, the simple act of brushing your child's hair or teeth transforms into a teary ordeal. 

Sounds familiar, right?

You're not alone. And this isn't just about parenting challenges—it's about understanding the unique world of your sensitive child. 

That's what this article is here to help with. Let's dive into the story of Maya, a mom just like you, who learned to navigate her daughter's sensitive responses to everyday tasks, turning daily struggles into moments of cooperation.


  1. Understanding Your Child's Behavior

First things first, every action or resistance from your child is a form of communication. 

Maya used to think her daughter was just being difficult when she resisted getting dressed or having her hair brushed. 

However, the reality was that her daughter was reacting to sensory discomfort—clothes felt too scratchy, and hair brushing was just overwhelming.


  1. The Importance of Detaching Personal Feelings

For parents like Maya—and possibly you—it's crucial to detach personal feelings from your child’s actions. 

Understanding that your child's resistance is not a rejection of your parenting but a reaction to their sensory overload can change everything. 

This shift in perspective allows you to approach the situation with empathy rather than frustration.


  1. Predictability and Preparation

Highly sensitive children thrive on predictability. 

Just like a dentist or doctor explains procedures to reduce anxiety, explaining what you are going to do can help immensely. 

For instance, Maya began to involve her daughter more by saying, "I am going to brush your hair now. 

Would you like it to the left or to the right?" This prepared her daughter and gave her a sense of control.


  1. Sensitivity in Parents

If you're a highly sensitive parent, your emotional state can significantly influence your child. 

Maya realized that her daughter mirrored her anxiety. 

By acknowledging and addressing her feelings, Maya was able to maintain a calm and connected presence, reducing her daughter's anxiety and resistance.


  1. Modeling Emotional Regulation

Highly sensitive children are incredibly attuned to their parents' emotions. 

Demonstrating how to manage emotions effectively teaches your child to do the same. Show them that it’s okay to feel upset or anxious, but what we do with those feelings is what counts.


  1. Empowering Your Child

Giving your child autonomy over their routines can dramatically increase cooperation. Maya learned that letting her daughter choose minor things like which toothpaste to use or the hairstyle for the day made a big difference. 

This empowerment helps them feel in control, easing the frustration that comes from feeling helpless.


Conclusion: Embracing Cooperation

Transforming resistance into cooperation isn’t about enforcing rules but understanding and adapting to your child’s needs. 

It's about changing your approach and how you react to their sensitivities. By taking the time to explain, model, and gradually hand over autonomy, you not only ease daily transitions but also foster a deeper bond with your highly sensitive child.

Would you like to raise emotionally healthy children but struggle to stop yelling and reacting out of frustration? 


CLICK HERE  to access our free Class to learn the Parenting With Understanding™ď¸Ź System to Break Free from reactivity, bring peace to your parenting and raise emotionally healthy children. 

âś…You will learn our signature Parenting With Understanding system to overcome angry reactions and have calm responses during your children’s chaos.

âś…Gain an understanding of what you need to communicate assertively with your children so they listen to you even when you give them a “no.”

âś…Know what is needed to raise emotionally healthy children who can face the real world with confidence and self-accountability.

For more insights and support on your parenting journey, tune into this week's episode of the Parenting™ď¸ŹWith Understanding podcast, where you are able to hear Maya’s coaching session to transform resistance in cooperation with her Highly Sensitive Child.  

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