Epi #37. Getting Rid of Anger as A Gentle Parent
Dec 06, 2022
Getting Rid of Anger as A Gentle Parent
Hi, Cycle Breakers! We’ve got a hot topic for you on today’s episode: how to control our anger as gentle parents. It’s an emotion like any other, but is often followed by guilt & shame. Our special guest, Lisa Smith (IG: @the_peaceful_parent), is here to discuss her history with anger, how she tamed it, & how you can learn to do it, too! If you notice that you or your partner explode often, keep reading! 😉
Lisa Smith’s Upbringing
Lisa was born and raised in a family where yelling was the normal way of communication between them. Admittedly, it negatively affected her; so much so that as a child, she vowed never to yell at her future kids. Today, she continues to have a strained relationship with her parents because they’ve yet to change their ways and aren’t healthy for her or her family to be around.
Recognizing Her Anger
Once Lisa & her husband, David, decided to start a family, she thought she had it figured out. Everything went smoothly until their son, Malcolm, was about 3 years old & pushing boundaries, as toddlers & preschoolers are known to do. This was the beginning of anger showing up in her parenting. By the time Malcolm was 6 years old, shouting matches were common. During one such episode, Lisa remembers yelling at him for yelling at her. Then, she had an epiphany: Malcolm was yelling at her because she was the one who taught him to be angry & reactive!
Origin of the 3-Week Anger Cleanse
At that point, Lisa knew something had to change, so she spent her time researching & came across the peaceful parenting ideology. Soon after, she noticed an immediate, positive change in her home. Now, she had the tools to be a better parent & not project her feelings onto him, but still hadn’t worked through the anger yet. She could feel it festering inside & didn’t like it.
Lisa knew she wanted more for herself & decided to dissect anger: what it is & where it comes from, all of which contributed to the birth of the 3-Week Anger Cleanse.
What is it? It’s a self-paced course, designed to teach you how to be less reactive & more calm, so you don’t yell at — or butt heads with — your kids. Thousands of parents have taken it; parents of toddlers, preschoolers, school-aged kids, tweens, teens, & even fully grown adults! Why? Because it’s NEVER too late: to connect, take responsibility for your mistakes, & model a new way of showing up in the world! And, all these parents have reported a relief from the anger when interacting with their kids.
Benefits of 3-Week Anger Cleanse
Self-improvement & showing up as the best parent you can be requires lots of reflection & inner work. This course is the perfect accompaniment to that healing work because it’ll expose you to short, simple tools that’ll help you stay regulated as you work through your anger while parenting, allowing your kids to feel relief when interacting with you.
Is it only for reactive parents? No! Parents who tend to shy away from confrontation or who often feel stuck on how to handle misbehavior can also benefit from this course. As well as neurodivergent parents, too!
The first week will teach you how to become an emotional detective. What are their emotions & behaviors trying to tell you? Week 2 goes into detail about what anger really is…a cover-up for a deeper emotion & you’ll learn how to get underneath it to uncover the root of your anger. The last week will teach you how to set peaceful limits that stick because the truth is that kids need rules. It helps them feel loved & protected.
Each week, you'll receive 2 recordings: a class where tools are taught & a coaching session where she teaches parents when & how to apply those tools, so you can develop a gameplan to work through your anger.
Not only will you improve your own relationship with anger, but you’ll also model for your kids how they can do the same. It’s an invaluable gift within a gift that will serve you all for a lifetime & the effects will be felt for generations to come. It all starts with you making this first step & we’re here to support you along the way.*
If you’re tired of feeling angry & letting it dictate your words & actions as a parent, you need to sign up for the 3-Day Anger Cleanse.
Take advantage of the $100 discount off the regular price! Tame your temper & enjoy calm connection with your kids, so they remember you as the loving parent you are. Click the link below to change the trajectory in your home. 🚀